Monday 4 April 2016

Spring has Sprung

Hopefully everyone had a restful Spring Break and enjoyed the time at home with their children. I know that I personally enjoyed getting to spend time with my girls, as well as, celebrating my oldest daughters 3rd Birthday. 

Speaking of the number 3, that is how many months we have left in this school year. It won't be long until summer break is at our door step. If you haven't already done so, please make sure to register your child by using School Zone and if you have questions or concerns about the procedure please contact the school, or come in and I can help you with the registration process. 

This morning we transitioned to our desk free classroom. What a difference! I can just feel the students excitement and the ease of movement has allowed for a more collaborative learning environment. As a whole there will be kinks that need to be worked out, but overall it has worked out better than I imagined. 

This week students need to complete their Story Cube which they were asked to complete over the break. This morning I showed them an example and gave them a few pointers. On Thursday students will also be getting their first monthly homework package. These packages will be a month later (May 7) and I've told the class that if they spend 30 minutes five out of seven nights they should complete the package with plenty of time to spare.  These homework packages will be designed to offer review of material we have already covered in class this year. 

Once again thank you for your support and if you have any questions please feel free to contact via email or by calling the school.